The painted lady (Vanessa cardui) and the American lady (Vanessa virginienses) are two native butterflies commonly seen on prairies and other habitats as well as native gardens. Painted lady caterpillars feed on many non-woody, native plants, preferring thistles...
Maxmillian sunflowers (Helianthus maximilianii). Photo: Pat Whalen
Summer’s Snowy Finale: Late summer, white-blooming composites
While yellow and gold blooms fill prairies and other grasslands in late summer and fall, another floral wave of the season is white. Boneset (Eupatorium species) is a composite flower that stands from one to three feet tall, with a crown of small individual white...
Grassland Dependency & Prairie Dependency
By Carol Davit, MPF Executive Director All prairies are grasslands, but not all grasslands are prairies. In Missouri, grasslands include unplowed, old-growth prairie; glades; savannas; pastures and hay fields of tall fescue (Arundinaria festuca) or other non-native...
Braving the Elements for Winter Birding, Citizen Science at Three MPF Prairies
Despite the cold, blustery field conditions of the morning birding outing in Pettis County with leader Veronica Mecko on February 18, birds were still out and about for the Great Backyard Bird Count. At the first stop, MPF’s Drovers’ Prairie, nine birders cut the...
Native Thistles Provide Important Food Sources for Birds, Bees, Butterflies & Moths
They're thorny and they're tough, but thistles are not all bad. In fact, of the nine species of Cirsium found in Missouri, there are several native species that occur on prairies and other habitats. They are rich food sources for birds, butterflies, and moths...
Saving Rare Prairies: MPF’s Edgar W. Schmidt Sand Prairie
Protecting and restoring rare, imperiled prairie habitats, like the sand savanna at MPF's Edgar W. Schmidt Sand Prairie, is at the core of our mission. This important endeavor involves documenting the history of a site, inventorying its plant and animal communities,...
Two lovely, stealthy, prairie wildflowers
In April, carpets of low-growing prairie wildflowers bloom, taking advantage of sunlight before taller grasses create shade. Among them are two plant species that, in addition to turning sunlight into plant food through good old-fashioned photosynthesis, supplement...
Help a Herp Out: Turtles Need Quality Habitat & a Little Help from Human Friends
Everybody knows turtles take their time when traversing the landscape, and they sometimes even need a little help from their human friends when crossing a roadway. They may be slower than their reptilian counterparts (Hey! They are the oldest living reptile group on...
Fruits Reaped from 2018 Garden Grant
By Nadia Navarrete-TIndall, Specialty Crops & Native Plant Specialist for Lincoln University, Jefferson City, MO Photo of wild plums at Second Christian Church: Nadia Navarrette-Tindall. In 2018, Friends of Jefferson City Community Garden received an MPF Prairie...
What’s Living on a Prairie?
By Carol Davit, MPF Executive Director Thanks to supporters, MPF owns and manages some of the most biologically significant prairie remnants in the state. Key to sustaining the biological integrity of these sites is establishing baseline biological data and collecting...