Blazing star. Photo: Bruce Schuette
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More Ways to Give
For 58 years, the Missouri Prairie Foundation has been conserving Missouri’s prairies and other native grasslands. Donate now to help conserve prairie in Missouri, one of the most imperiled, beautiful, and biologically diverse habitat types on earth.
More Ways to Give
Make a Gift in Honor of or in Memory of a Loved One
You can recognize birthdays, weddings, and other special events of your family members and friends with contributions to MPF in their honor, or remember your loved ones with a contribution in their memory. You may do so anonymously if you wish.
Adopt a butterfly
Symbolically adopt the regal fritillary butterfly (Speyeria idalia), one of thousands of species of plants and animals that live on Missouri’s prairies. As a thank you for your donation of $20 or more to symbolically adopt the regal fritillary butterfly, we will send you an informational card with a print of the artwork and a magnet featuring the butterfly art. Learn more.
See our online gift registry for a list of items to help further our prairie protection work. Contact us at if you have any of these items you are willing to donate.
Workplace Giving
If you are a Missouri State Employee, you can give to MPF through workplace giving. Please enter #8426 on your pledge card during your annual Missouri State Employees Charitable Campaign.
Make a Gift to MPF’s Prairie Research Fund
Prairie Research Fund provide funds for MPF to carry out species surveys, monitoring, or other research directed by MPF on its own properties or to assist other prairie researchers. Donate here. NOTE: See information regarding PayPal at the bottom of the page.
Planned Giving
Planned gifts can be in the form of bequest, charitable remainder trusts, appreciated financial securities, or other financial options—all make a meaningful difference for the future of prairie in Missouri, and future generations of Missourians. Learn more here.
Donate a Gift of Securities
You may donate gifts of securities including stocks, bonds, and mutual funds directly to MPF. You can deduct the full market value of the security, saving income taxes and capital gains on appreciated securities. To make a gift of securities, please call 573-356-7828. MPF’s protocol is to liquidate securities upon receipt.
IRA Charitable Rollover
Taxpayers age 70.5 or older may transfer up to $100,000 annually from their IRA accounts to MPF without first having to recognize the distribution as income. To make a gift from an IRA account, please call 573-356-7828.
Prairie Naming RIghts
MPF invites prairie supporters to provide a permanent name for a prairie by purchasing naming rights. MPF’s Prairie Naming Policy establishes a formula, based on acquisition and stewardship costs, to determine amounts required for naming rights. Gifts for naming rights provide important funds to support MPF’s future prairie protection efforts. To inquire about purchasing the naming rights to this MPF property, please call 573-356-7828.
Naming rights for Northwest Lawrence County Prairie are available.
2024 End of Year Giving and Accomplishments
Thanks to supporters, the Missouri Prairie Foundation (MPF) and its Grow Native! program accomplish a sustained, high level of conservation activity...
* When using the online payment forms to make a one-time payment, you can make a credit card payment via PayPal but you do not need to have a PayPal account. You will be given the option to make a credit card payment by choosing “Pay with Debit or Credit Card.” The screens you see will have buttons similar to those shown at right. To make a recurring payment, you will need a PayPal account.

Please send checks to:
Missouri Prairie Foundation
c/o Bank of Missouri
P.O. Box 856
Mexico, MO 65265-0856