Residential projects, such as rain gardens, stormwater swales, and filter strips planted with native plant species, clean water while also supporting insects with declining populations. In stewarding these projects, residents play an important role in protecting water resources and pollinator habitat. Join Dan Shaw, an experienced ecological restoration specialist, for a webinar covering principles for planning a project fit for residential yards and neighborhoods. Plant selection, effective site preparation, installation, and management methods to help ensure the ongoing success of projects will be discussed.
The webinar, to be held via Zoom, will include a presentation and a live question-and-answer session. Please register below at the link. The webinar will be recorded and sent to all registrants, as well as posted to the MPF YouTube channel.
Cost: Free
Register Here
Dan Shaw has been involved in conservation and ecological restoration for over 30 years. His work is focused on addressing conservation challenges including the loss of pollinators and other wildlife species, climate change, environmental pollutants, and restoring degraded upland and wetland landscapes. He has worked for environmental consulting firms, non-profit organizations, and state government, and taught classes at the University of Minnesota over the last twenty-five years focusing on ecological design and restoration. He has also the author or co-author of several publications on rain garden, stormwater management, and ecological restoration.
Photo by Dan Shaw