MPF will hold a pre-order/pickup only native plant sale on Saturday, April 17 at sale host the Anita B. Gorman Conservation Discovery Center, 4750 Troost Ave, Kansas City, MO 64110 from 11 a.m. till 1:30 p.m. No plants will be available for purchase the day of the sale.
Native plants beautify landscapes and help support songbirds and other cherished wildlife. Buy native wildflowers, grasses, shrubs, trees, vines, sedges, and native seed from Grow Native! professional members
For the safety of our vendors, staff, volunteers, and guests, this sale will be a pre-paid/pickup format only. No extra plants will be available for purchase the day of the sale. Please contact the vendors below to order and pre-pay for your plants. Note that each vendor is a separate business and may have different arrangements and requirements for ordering.
Signs will be set up to specify where to park. Volunteers will be available to load plants into your car if you need assistance.
Gaylena’s Garden
View the plant list here and email your order to by Thursday, April 15.
Current plant list is available on the Gaylena’s Garden Facebook page. After ordering, they will send an invoice for the purchase.
Ozark Soul
Order via email or phone by noon on Friday, April 16:; 816-809-4062
Please visit for a current availability list. In your email or voicemail, please include your phone number and note the date and location. After order has been placed, Ozark Soul will email to give payment details.
Missouri Wildflowers Nursery
Order by calling 573-496-3492, by email at, or online here by Wednesday, April 14:
Allendan Seed Company
Please email to request current prices and available mixes.
City Roots, LLC
Order online here by Thursday, April 15:
Green Thumb Gardens
Order and pay online here by Thursday, April 15:
Photo: Brooke Widmar