Join other prairie enthusiasts for a tour of Horn’s Prairie Grove in Fayette County, Illinois, north of Vandalia. This privately owned 40 acre property has 30 acres of original remnant prairie with all seeps, springs, and underground water veins still intact! The prairie is part of the Southern Till Prairie Plain, of which over 99% was destroyed. The several prairie natural communities found here support an unbelievable diversity of prairie flora. Free. Limited to 25 registrants. Registrants will meet at the Casey’s gas station in Ramsey, Illinois. More details will be shared with registrants via email.
For those who are part of the Grow Native! Professional Certification Program (GNPCP), this event counts as 1 CEU. See details about earning GNPCP CEUs here.
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Photo of eastern tiger swallowtail at Horn’s Prairie Grove by Keith Horn.