You are invited to spend the day visiting Snowball Hill Prairie with your camera, brushes, and canvas. Pack up your favorite art medium supplies and camera, along with a non-disposable container of water and snack, and come to enjoy learning about and painting on this incredible, 20-acre original native prairie and the adjoining 50-acre planted prairie.
Included in Event:
– Interpretive hikes at 10:00 AM and 2:00 PM
– Tables featuring information about native prairie, the Missouri Prairie Foundation & its Grow Native! program, and the Harrisonville Fine Art Association.
Additional Event information:
• All ages welcome
• Dress for outdoor adventure with appropriate shoes and clothing
• Respect the prairie. Everything brought in must be taken out.
• No restrooms available on site
* Rain date: October 5, 2024
* Park in parking lot at entrance. Prairie is accessible by foot
No fees to participate. No web registration required.
If you have questions or concerns, please call Doris Sherrick: 816-716-9159 or Patsy Albers: 816-213-3565
Photo: Painting by Darla Zook