Sandstone outcrops at MPF’s Schwartz Prairie. Photo: Bruce Schuette

MPF Bylaws & Policies

The following MPF documents and statements comply with the Land Trust Alliance’s Standards and Practices.

Practice 1A, Missouri Prairie Foundation Ethics Statement


Practice 1B, Mission, Planning and Evaluation:

The Mission of the Missouri Prairie Foundation is to protect and restore prairie and other native grassland communities through acquisition, management, education, and research. The Missouri Prairie Foundation also promotes the use of native plants in the built environment and altered landscapes through its Grow Native! program.

Current Strategic Plan: 2022-2026

Strategic Plan: 2017-2021


Practice 1C, Community Engagement:

Missouri Prairie Foundation Brochure

The Missouri Prairie Foundation’s website is The website of the Missouri Prairie Foundation’s Grow Native! program is

The Missouri Prairie Journal is published three times a year by the Missouri Prairie Foundation, print version and electronic.



Practice 2A, Compliance with Laws:

The Missouri Prairie Foundation is committed to complying with all applicable federal, state, and local laws.


Practice 2B, Nonprofit Incorporation and Bylaws:

Missouri Prairie Foundation’s Articles of Incorporation

Missouri Prairie Foundation Bylaws

Certificate of Good Standing. This certificate is available at the Missouri Secretary of State’s website.



Practice 2C, Federal Tax Exemption:

The Missouri Prairie Foundation’s Tax Exempt Ruling from the Internal Revenue Service



Practice 2D, Records Policy:

Copy of MPF Recordkeeping Policy



Practice 2E, Public Policy:

The Missouri Prairie Foundation is committed to complying with laws governing nonprofit organization lobbying limitation and reporting requirements. Since its beginnings in 1966, the Missouri Prairie Foundation has advocated for the permanent protection of original prairie and other native grasslands and promoted the use of native plants in developed landscapes. The Missouri Prairie Foundation board members and staff advocate for native-grassland-friendly public policies and legislation and encourage Missouri Prairie Foundation members to advocate for them as well.


Other Policies Adopted by the Missouri Prairie Foundation:

Land Acquisition Policy

Prairie Management Decisions Policy

Conflict of Interest Policy

Nondiscrimination Policy

Whistleblower Policy

Seeds and Species Policy

Hunting and Fishing Policy

Reimbursement Policy and Reimbursement Form

Prairie Naming Policy (and appendix)

Gift Acceptance Policy

Investment Policy

Records Policy

Supervisory Policy


Quarterly Board Activity Report Form

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