Dickcissel nest. Photo: Jeff Cantrell

Gayfeather Prairie

About Gayfeather Prairie

MPF purchased this 76-acre prairie in 1976. The Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) owns an additional 40 acres, across the county road to the south. The name derives from the showy prairie flowers of the genus Liatris, commonly known as gayfeather or blazing star.

Gayfeather Prairie is predominantly a dry-mesic sandstone/shale prairie natural community. In addition, a rare prairie swale bisects the tract, and there are a few acres of remnant savanna in the southwestern corner.

Gayfeather Prairie supports at least 288 native plant species with an average CC value of 4.17, including 37 conservative species. The regal fritillary butterfly, listed as vulnerable in Missouri, is known to occur on this prairie. Grassland birds known to use the prairie during the breeding season include the northern bobwhite, Henslow’s sparrow, and field sparrows, eastern bluebird, and scissor-tailed flycatcher.

Gayfeather Prairie is cooperatively managed by MPF and MDC. Gayfeather Prairie is open to the public for hiking and nature viewing.

2019 Missouri River Bird Observatory Breeding Bird Surveys on MPF Properties (includes Gayfeather Prairie)

2019 Institute of Botanical Training Floristic Integrity Report (includes Gayfeather Prairie) 

Annotated Ant List for Gayfeather Prairie


Gayfeather Prairie is in Vernon County on Union Track Road, about 7 miles east of Milo. From I-49, take exit 95 east on Highway E. Drive 7 miles, turn right (south) onto CR 2525, drive 2 miles, and then turn left onto Union Track Road. Park along the road in this area to visit the post oak savanna, or continue driving about one-third of a mile to the gravel parking lot, which is on the left. By GPS, N37 43.649 W94 10.480 (in decimal degrees, 37.72747 -94.17466).

The below Google Earth images are from 1995 and 2009. In the first image, extensive woody plant invasion can be noted along the road, in corners, and in the wet depressions and drainages of the prairie. Years of dedicated effort by MPF, including tree removal and prescribed burning, have restored the prairie to its former glory.

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