MPF’s Linden’s Prairie’s rolling hills are showy with wildflowers throughout the growing season. Photo: R.S. Kinerson

Linden’s Prairie

About Linden’s Prairie

MPF purchased the 171-acre Linden’s Prairie, an original prairie near the town of Mt. Vernon, in 2014. The prairie is named for Ms. Linden Trial, an MPF member and dragonfly and damselfly researcher with the Missouri Department of Conservation. Funds from a generous bequest from Ms. Trial and a grant from the Robert J. Trulaske, Jr., Family Foundation made the purchase possible. The prairie had been owned, protected, and managed by the Cox Family for generations.

Linden’s Prairie is a dry-mesic chert prairie. Overlain on karst topography, this prairie is well drained and features a sinkhole. Linden’s Prairie supports 198 native plant species with an average CC value of 4.69—the third highest of MPF prairies—and 39 conservative plant species. The prairie is known for an exceptionally large population of royal catchfly (Silene regia), a notable prairie species. Two rare animals are known from Linden’s Prairie—the regal fritillary butterfly and a pollen specialist bee. Grassland birds including the northern bobwhite, Bell’s vireo, Henslow’s sparrow, dickcissel, eastern meadowlark, and others use this prairie.

2022 Floristic Integrity Report: Cook Meadow, Linden’s (Plot 3), and Thoh-dah Prairies by the Institute of Botanical Training, LLC

2020 Floristic Integrity Report: Coyne, Golden, Linden’s, and Rae Letsinger Prairies by the Institute of Botanical Training, LLC.

2019 Missouri River Bird Observatory Breeding Bird Surveys on MPF Properties (includes at Linden’s Prairie)

2016 Institute for Botanical Training Floristic Integrity Report (includes Linden’s Prairie)

Linden’s Prairie Bryophytes

Downloadable Linden’s Prairie Brochure


Linden’s Prairie is located in Lawrence County on CR 2120 about 6 miles west of Mt Vernon. From I-44, take exit 38 north on MO 97. Drive 2 miles north into the town of Stott’s City and turn east onto CR 2120 (Mt Vernon St). Drive 2.2 miles and look for the grass pull-in on the left (north). By GPS, N37 6.181 W93 54.535 (in decimal degrees, 37.10302 -93.90892). Address for GPS: Linden’s Prairie, County Road 2120, Mount Vernon, MO 65712

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For 58 years, the Missouri Prairie Foundation has been conserving Missouri’s prairies and other native grasslands. Donate now to help conserve prairie in Missouri, one of the most imperiled, beautiful, and biologically diverse habitat types on earth. Donate, become a member, and find other ways to support our work.


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