MPF’s Schwartz Prairie supports more than 350 native plants, bobwhite quail, crawfish frogs, and other plants and animals. Photo:
Schwartz Prairie
About Schwartz Prairie
MPF acquired this 240-acre prairie in 1991. It is named for conservation pioneers Charles W. and Elizabeth R. Schwartz. The Schwartzes, early champions of prairie conservation, were wildlife biologists, authors, film makers, and artists, with legendary careers with the Missouri Department of Conservation.
Schwartz Prairie is primarily a dry-mesic sandstone-shale prairie. Additionally there is a sandstone outcrop with a sandstone glade and prairie swale at this prairie. A portion of an intermittent headwater prairie stream bisects the prairie. Schwartz Prairie is in the Upper Osage Grasslands Conservation Opportunity Area.
A total of 351 native plant species have been documented at Schwartz Prairie, the highest total for any MPF prairie, and they have an average CC value of 4.04 with 35 conservative species. One federally threatened species, geocarpon (Geocarpon minimum), known from fewer than 50 sites on earth, and eight Missouri species of conservation concern, including the northern crawfish frog, are known from the prairie. A variety of grassland birds, including Henslow’s sparrow and northern bobwhite, nest here.
2020 Missouri River Bird Observatory Breeding Bird Surveys on MPF Properties
2018 Institute of Botanical Training Floristic Integrity Report (includes Schwartz Prairie)
2018 Missouri River Bird Observatory Breeding Bird Surveys on MPF Properties (includes Schwartz Prairie)
Schwartz Prairie is in St Clair County on SW 800 Road, about 8 miles east-northeast of El Dorado Springs. From HW 54, take State Highway K north for 2 miles, then turn left onto SW 778 Road for 1 mile, then turn left onto SW 301 Road for .3 mile, then right onto SW 800 Road. Drive about one-half mile; the prairie is on the right. By GPS, N37 54.520 W93 51.435 (in decimal degrees, 37.90866 -93.85726).