Stark Family Prairie contains Ozark woodland, prairie, prairie stream and prairie swale. Photo: Bruce Schuette

Stark Family Prairie

About Stark Family Prairie

The 34-acre Stark Family Prairie was bequeathed to MPF in 2013 from the estate of Ann Louise Stark, who loved prairie wildflowers and wished to protect the land. Stark Family Prairie is located approximately 5 miles east of Cross Timbers in Hickory County. It is accessible at the intersection of Highways P & F (the south side of P and east side of F.) 

Stark Family Prairie includes dry-mesic prairie, a portion of a headwater stream, a prairie swale, and five acres of native woodland.

Stark Family Prairie supports 207 native species with an average CC value of 4.27 and 23 conservative species. Wild dill (Perideridia americana), listed as imperiled in Missouri, occurs here as do grassland birds including the northern bobwhite. 

2019 Missouri River Bird Observatory Breeding Bird Surveys on MPF Properties (includes Stark Family Prairie)


Stark Family Prairie is in Hickory County on Highway P, 6 miles north of HW 54 at the intersection of Highway F and Highway P. The prairie is on the southeast corner of this intersection. Parking is available on the grass entrance along Highway P. By GPS, N38 0.958 W93 7.559 (in decimal degrees, 38.01596 -93.12599).

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